First Expedition Photos

Original meteorite fragments found by Jim Brook.Meteorite fragments being weighed.Large meteorite fragments.Alan weighing and measuring original meteorite fragments.Preliminary search for meteorites.Preliminary meteorite search.Sterile meteorite fragments stored in a Ziploc(tm) bag.Meteorite being weighed.Use of a search dog to find fragments.Not very successful...Meteorite samples.More meteorite samples.Weighing a meteorite sample.Weighing another meteorite sample.Bits of meteorites left on a glove.A path in the snow.Some members of the team near their snowmobiles.Team members searching through the snow.Making notes.Two team members standing in the snow.Small lake to the east of Taku Arm.  Contains two meteorites, not yet found when this photo was taken.Thickness of snow.Team members near their snowmobiles in the snow.Scenery shot.Meteorite samples in a bag.Meteorite in a bag.Using searchdogs to find the meteorites in the snow.Another scenery shot.This point was directly underneath the fireball path.Alan Hildebrand taking some measurements.Alan taking more measurements.Labeling bags containing meteorites.

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